Animals transport of microbes and pathogens, impact of animal extinctions on emergent infectious disease
Jeralyn Poe
Emily Palmquist
Dryland plant ecology, riparian plant ecology, rare plants, plant genetics, Grand Canyon, river regulation
Kathleen Orndahl
Arctic vegetation ecology, climate change impacts on arctic ecosystems, UAV operations, satellite remote sensing
Anna Odell
Macrosystems ecology, vegetation response to climate and land-use change, satellite remote sensing
Scooter Nowak
Data manipulation and analysis, software tool development, aquatic entomology, aquatic ecology
Blase LaSala
Hazardous environment documentation, geoinformatics, data interface and visualization, high performance computing
Jenna Keany
Biodiversity loss, animal-plant interactions, remote sensing, ecosystem ecology, climate change
Xin Huang
Tree growth, bayesian statistics, ecological modeling, software engineering, high-performance computing
Iván González – Garzón
Ecohydrology, remote sensing, land use change, spatial and quantitative ecology