Żaneta Kaszta

Photo of Żaneta Kaszta floating in a tandem kayak through a wooded lake or pond

Landscape ecology and genetics, species distribution and biodiversity modeling, decision support systems for conservation, impact of land use change on wildlife and ecosystems, tropical ecology, remote sensing

Patrick Jantz

Picture of Patrick Jantz

Forest canopy structure, geoinformatics, remote sensing, sustainable development

Deborah Huntzinger

Picture of Debbie Huntzinger

The carbon cycle, climate change, terrestrial biogeochemistry, modeling of land-atmosphere carbon dynamics, carbon footprint analysis

Kevin Gurney

Picture of Kevin Gurney

Climate change, biogeochemistry, ecology, energy, science policy

Scott Goetz

Picture of Scott Goetz

Ecosystem responses to environmental change, Arctic biodiversity, remote sensing

Chris Doughty

Picture of Chris Doughty

Climate change, biodiversity loss, forest carbon cycling, remote sensing

Logan Berner

Picture of Logan Berner

Forest ecology, carbon cycling, climate change, satellite remote sensing, geospatial modeling

Jay Barber

Bayesian statistics, spatial statistics, ecological and environmental applications