Studying Biological Impacts of Environmental Change Using Repeat Photography: Introduction to PhenoCam Data Products and Software Tools (WS17)
8:00 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
Fee (Regular/Student): $75/$40
Lafayette Park/
Farragut Square, Grand Hyatt
Learn to work with repeat-photography images to study landscape changes: This workshop is a joint effort between the PhenoCam network and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) to share recently-developed tools facilitating access to, and analysis of, camera imagery and higher-order data products available through PhenoCam. Learning activities include (1) data discovery using the PhenoCam API; (2) image processing using the xROI Shiny interface; (3) modeling and data integration in R using the phenor package; and (4) Accessing phenological data across networks through Shiny (R). Participants will benefit from familiarity with R, although the workshop will be informative for non-R users as well. While this workshop focuses on phenological repeat photography data, repeat-photography analyses have many applications. All disciplines and use-cases are encouraged to attend.
8:00 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
Fee (Regular/Student): $75/$40
Lafayette Park/
Farragut Square, Grand Hyatt
Learn to work with repeat-photography images to study landscape changes: This workshop is a joint effort between the PhenoCam network and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) to share recently-developed tools facilitating access to, and analysis of, camera imagery and higher-order data products available through PhenoCam. Learning activities include (1) data discovery using the PhenoCam API; (2) image processing using the xROI Shiny interface; (3) modeling and data integration in R using the phenor package; and (4) Accessing phenological data across networks through Shiny (R). Participants will benefit from familiarity with R, although the workshop will be informative for non-R users as well. While this workshop focuses on phenological repeat photography data, repeat-photography analyses have many applications. All disciplines and use-cases are encouraged to attend.
Workshop materials are published here:
and this is the reregistration page on AGU’s website: